Sunday, March 11, 2007


I have been chained to this house with at least 1 sick child for waaaaaay too long! Yesterday Allan and I actually got out of the house for a date. Just us. No kids. We went to Carrabba's for some yummy Italian food (thanks Steve for the gift card!). It was the most amazing thing. We could talk to each other without being interrupted. We could sit without having to get up several times to get something for someone. We didn't get coughed or sneezed on. And we didn't have to break up any fights. I actually got to eat my meal while it was still hot! We topped it off with some shoe shopping. Nope. Sadly, not for me. For Allan. The poor guy's current shoes are so worn that if it's wet outside, so are his feet. I did get a Starbuck's latte out of our visit to the mall. It was a little slice of heaven! And right now? Now I am reheating our leftovers. Yum!


Anonymous said...

Aren't dates wonderful? (said with a sigh)We had one planned last weekend, but had to cancel on account of the weather. Hope everyone is better, and glad you got out for a while. - Julia
P.S. Gotta love Carrabas. =)

Anonymous said...

a date? what's that? lol. oh yes, something that happened before we had we did went on couple of dates when my mum visited but they always ended very quickly because we were too worried about abby at

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a dream date. Nothing better than just being together with no kids and enjoying a nice meal. Sigh.

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