That little arm gave up 4 vials of blood this morning. And that little man didn't fuss or cry during the draw. As a matter of fact he watched the whole thing with fascination. Afterward he did say it hurt, but that was it. And even more, Moya had the same blood draw this morning and reacted the same way! They get this from their Daddy. Me? I'm the kid who passed out while touring the hospital in 6th grade...and yep, you guessed it, it was in the "lab." And oddly enough, my arm has hurt all morning in the exact spot that they would draw blood from...sympathy pain? Or maybe just bad memories? Regardless, I am so proud of my brave little troopers...who put me to shame! How about you? Are you brave, or out cold on the floor?
I guess I'm brave... I'm actually scared stupid, but don't want to show weakenss... so I put of a front. Yep... I'm strange like that! Cool that they did so well! My kids fall apart, but they are quite a bit younger too.
I fainted after getting blood drawn when I was in jr high or high school. Since then, I am always nervous when I have to give blood for something. Way to go kids! They are truly brave. And I love the photo effects.
That lst comment was from me. -Julia =)
I'm brave. Things like that just don't get to me much. I used to donate blood a lot when I was younger. I remember going with my dad and racing to see whose blood bag was filled first. And Hattie seems to be taking after me. We have just to have a meltdown at the doctors office when it's vaccination time.
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