Last night was Moya's very first piano recital. Her music teacher held a special recital for all the students who are taking piano lessons. Moya started her lessons in September and has done very well. Her piano teacher thinks she has a special gifting for it. I'd have to agree...but I
am biased. It's funny because sitting there, waiting for her turn to play, I was probably just as nervous as she was. I suppose that is just part of being a mom, but it took me a little by surprise. I felt like I was the one about to perform. She did a wonderful job and I am so very proud of her!

So, what about you? Do you get nervous for your children too? And what cool things have they done lately? It's your turn to brag a little! I'd love to hear. :o)
That's wonderful! She looks so happy with herself! I remember piano and trumpet recitals and how horribly nervous I would get!
My DD is only 18 months so I spend most of my days incredibly proud of each time she says a new word or gives me a big hug and kiss or says 'mama'. :)
Happy weekend!
I get super nervous for my kids. This Sunday, Jocelyn (My 5 year old), is talking in her Sunday school class on a gospel subject that was assigned to her. Her talk will only be about a minute long, but I always get nervous when speaking in front of people (which is funny because I have a BS in elementary ed)... but I'm surprised at how nervous I get when my kids speak in public too!
She looks absolutely bursting with pride! What great pics!! I would be proud too!
And yes... everytime Mason plays baseball I get nervous.... and I have to admit that I love overhearing people say how great number 17 is!! :)
Have a good weekend!!
Wow! She looks just like you in that second photo. =)
Jade has her ballet recital today. Dress rehearsal was Friday, and I was so nervous. She did well then, so hopefully all goes well today.
She looks soooo grown up! I get super nervous for Zoe too. I think it's only normal :)
I am proud of my Zoe girl for blocking a really hard goal shot at soccer this week. She didn't back down at all.
Way to go to Moya! She looks beautiful and tell her to keep the good work up!
that is so cool. Those pics are great. She looks really pleased with herself. How great for her.
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