Monday, December 23, 2013

December Daily: Days 19 - 22

I love seeing my kids enjoying time together. I kept things simple for day nineteen and let the photos really take center stage. I love their Lego house collaboration - it even has a second level! They built this two years ago and I think it is still intact. I can see why, after all their hard work.

We love the movie Elf - this is one of my favorite quotes. That and, "I just like to smile, smiling's my favorite."

A little caroling with his Scout troop at a local nursing home for day twenty. Isn't that pattern paper perfect for this spread?!

I had to include a page about all the gaming the kids did over winter break. The quote above is from Elijah while playing a video game. Too funny. I snapped a couple pics of games they checked out from the library to include on the spread.

Day twenty-two was spent out and about. Spending time together, having fun doing simple things is pretty awesome. Speaking of simple, I guess I kept all these pages pretty simple. Unusual for me, but nothing wrong with that.

p.s. These are pages from my 2011 December Daily. The "why am I posting them in 2013" can be found in this post. Thanks for stopping by!

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