Saturday was the Father/Daughter Dance at Moya's school....this photo cracks me up. Allan has that deer in the headlights look going and I'm pretty sure Moya is thinking, "Let's get this over already so I can get back out on the dance floor!" They do make a cute couple though don't they?
While Allan and Moya were boogying the night away, Elijah and I had a Mario Bros. smack-down! wasn't much of a match really. He wiped the floor with me as usual. But there was that one time I stayed alive for like a whole minute! Yeah, I'm definitely getting better...
Yesterday (Valentine's Day) was wonderful, it included the people I love, homemade cards, a rose, Starbuck's, a little shopping, and a meal out with my favorite guy. It was perfect. How was your February 14th?
Okay, getting to the title of this post...finally. I have so many good intentions. I'm full of them! I had intended to post about my One Little Word the beginning of January. I had intended to complete the first two prompts for Ali's, One Little Word class that I am taking - I use the word "taking" loosely because it would imply that I'm actually doing the class work. So as I'm sure you've picked up on, my One Little Word is ironically, "rest." Ironic because I've been too busy to share my word with you. Ironic because I've been too busy to start the class I signed up for to help make my word more relevant and a focus in my life. Ironic because I was up until 2 a.m. this morning working...and changing smoke detector batteries, but that's another post for another time.
I did actually create a layout focusing on my One Little Word. Here's a peek at it. You can see the entire page on the Fancy Pants Blog, along with some "get to know you" stuff about me. I have been thinking about my word a lot and I have done a bit of research on it too. Here's a great quote I found:
"Take rest, a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop." -Ovid
Such true and wise words.
Here's one that I'd love to incorporate into my schedule...often.
"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward." -Spanish Proverb
And here's the journaling from my layout on the Fancy Pants blog. It will explain a bit more about my word choice.
Rest, my one little word. Something I struggle to get enough of, or do at all really. I’ve always been a “doer.” I have this need to keep busy. Even when I’m “resting” I have to be knitting, reading, sketching, working on my laptop…the list goes on. If I’m on the couch it’s resting, right? Being busy isn’t a bad thing, as long as there’s some rest mixed in too. Real rest. This has been on my mind for quite a while. I know I will be more productive, less stressed and healthier if I can just get this rest thing down. So for 2011 I will be focusing on it. Rest.
On that note, I need to get to work! ;-) Have an awesome day and if you've chosen a word for 2011 I'd love to hear what it is!
16 hours ago
Oh honey!! That is a FABulous word!! I think if I had to choose one word for 2011, it would be ME. Is that so selfish or what? But 2011 is going to be about ME.... I have put myself on the back burner for long enough.... and I am getting healthier... and more active... getting creative time here and there and taking my first solo trip to California this week. So by working on me, I am better for everyone else. :)
So glad you had a great Vday... you deserve it. HUGS!!!
Okay, so I'm glad I'm not the only one that hasn't worked on the first two prompts. I was actually sitting down now to get started on it and then I got side-tracked reading blogs. Ugh! Rest does sound like a great word for you. I could use some too. I know how hard it is to just relax and turn you mind off. It's good to do often, but oh so tough!
Patience is my word for 2011. something i need to have in all areas of my life.
Sounds like a special weekend for your family. My word for 2011 is "trust", and I am learning a lot about it, but having a hard time doing it. But that is the goal for the year, so... I'm spreading it out.Can't wait to hop over to the FP blog and see your layout. Looks like a great one.
I'm so not one of them "word people", but then again, I rarely commit to anything as far as yearly labels go...though I love a personal self-made motto or song! I'm a geek this way...laugh. Anyway, I wanted to mention how pretty the leaves looked with the glitter..think I'm going to try this! :)
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