I can't believe it has been over a month since I posted anything - well, I can and I can't. I'm not so sure I have any blog readers left, but just in case I do I thought I'd finally post about what has kept me from posting. ;-)
I've been sick. Sick since the beginning of February. I returned from CHA in California and came down with a nasty cold that turned into a sinus infection. As I was healing from the sinus infection I started having trouble breathing - I was diagnosed with costochondritis at my second Med Center visit. The doc actually squeezed my ribcage which just about sent me through the roof! Ouch! That diagnosis has been confirmed by two other doctors and I've had lots of tests to rule out all the nasty life threatening stuff. So far none of the traditional treatments (meds) have worked for me. I'm now focusing 100% on natural healing and praying that we find the answer to my healing soon! In case you came upon this post because you yourself have costo and can't kick it, I found a lot of helpful info on this blog. Start on her first post and read through. Good, helpful stuff.
The pain isn't fun, but the worst part for me is the difficulty breathing. I feel like there is a heavy weight sitting on my chest or like the cartilage and muscle in my chest has turned into wood and I'm trying to stretch that wood with each breath. So I've been resting a lot. I haven't been doing very much scrappy work...which has been so very hard. But on the plus side I have been relaxing, spending more time with God and my family, reading, and cooking more. I've also had the chance to work on an afghan that I started long ago and has been collecting dust! Here's a little peek. I'll share a photo when it's finished too.
So I'm just taking this day by day and praying for healing. I hope to start posting more often again. There will be much less scrapbooking content here until I'm better but still lots of creative stuff. I signed up for some online art classes this summer (I should be able to do them from the couch) - if I'm brave enough I might share some of the artwork I create here. ;-)
Thanks for stopping by!
13 hours ago
Im sorry to hear about you not feeling well. My 13 year old son had this. Apparently its common in young teens going through puberty. Its an inflamation of the cartilage between the breast bone. You may have gotten it from coughing if you were sick. After a few months my son stopped complaining and i havent heard anything more about it. So just give it some time. Hope you feel good soon.
Thanks Gabbi. I'm so glad your son got over it. :)
Zoinks! Sorry you're feeling blech and hole you're on the mend!
Hey girl! Good to see you here. Still praying for you, sweet friend.
Hugs and best wishes,
and your afghan looks beautiful!
So glad they have finally settled on a diagnosis. Praying for your miraculous recovery...I feel so mad that you have been having such a hard time with this 'thing'.
Glad to see you are blogging again... and busy! That quilt is going to be gorgeous!
Hugs to you x
I'm so sorry to hear that you're not well. Will send prayers and hugs hoping that you feel better soon. Crocheting is also my second favorite past-time when I can't scrap. I usually finish several baby afghans a year just working when we're traveling and I need an easy to bring along project. :-)
Thanks everyone!
I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well and dealing with pain. I will pray for you to heal soon! I love following your blog and hope to see more of your creativity as soon as you are able. Blessings! Lovin the afghan!
Sorry to hear you are ill. Crochet is my go-to activity when I have to rest. Can you post a pattern or link to a pattern for those cute circles? And the idea of making a blanket from circles instead of granny squares is so creative! Thanks!
Hope you feel better soon, Cindy!
Cindy, sorry you are not feeling well! Hope it goes away soon!
I'm still reading and hoping you are on the road to recovery. Miss your work bt glad that you are resting and enjoying those cute kiddos!
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