Photos from our walk yesterday morning. Today that bee hive was knocked down when we walked past and the bees were buzzin' around it. We picked up our pace a bit.
I've seen some more doctors and found out I have some more food allergies - which was difficult news. Eggs, almonds, and dairy were big ones added to my list. But it's okay. I've had my cry. And really, it's just food. And there is still so much that I can eat and I am thankful for that. Like coffee. I'm so thankful that I'm not allergic to coffee! And turns out, it tastes pretty good with coconut creamer. Yum.
I'm still not working. I'm not sure when my doctor will give me the go ahead. I'm hoping once the kids are back in school I'll be able to do some work - even if it's minimal. It's still impossible to know how I am going to feel from day to day. While I am having way more "good" days, I still have "bad" days. I can only do so much in a day before I am exhausted. And lifting things? I tried to pull a basket out with a bunch of chipboard alphas in it. Couldn't. I immediately felt pain in my rib cage. It's frustrating, but it's okay. I will heal. I will be doing push ups again before I know it! Okay, I didn't do too many before I got sick.

Time to get back to watching the Olympics. Is your television on constantly too? We've been lovin' the games in the Tobey household! Elijah was actually inspired by the bike racing and wants to make it to the Olympics someday. He started riding bikes with Allan each evening. I love that.
Yes, you still have blog readers! I was glad to see your post! The afghan is gorgeous. And, I wanted to say that you will be in our prayers.
I had no idea you were sick--so sorry to hear that. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
It was great to hear from you again. Love the afghan. It is so unique. Sending prayers for healing and a big HUG. :-)
LOVE the way the afghan turned out!! So glad you are seeing the positives in this season of your life. Love you sweetheart!
Hey Cindy, I hate reading that you aren't feeling well. I pray you heal quickly. Is there an antibiotic that you're on? That afghan is absolutely stunning. I love the circles and how you attached them to one another. It is so fun! I sure wish there weren't additional allergies! Glad to see your post today. I pray Gods blessings and healing in your life.
Love you,
What a beautiful afghan?!?! Love the shape. So glad you are having more good days than bad. I will continue praying for your healing.
Just pinned this because it's spectacular!
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