For those of you who've read my previous
Project Life posts, you know that I started my album
very late into the year.
Crazy late. But even though I wasn't working on my album, I
was keeping notes in a calendar, taking tons of photos and collecting ephemera. This is my ephemera basket. Isn't it pretty?! It was a gift from
this sweet friend. Oh, and, please ignore the dusty piano - wish I would've noticed that
before snapping the photo. Oh well, reality usually is dusty, dirty or least it is at my house. Back to the basket - as you can see, it's pretty full of stuff. My plan was to just pull items out as I put my album together, but I quickly realized that wasn't going to work. It was taking way too much time to dig through the basket to find what I wanted, and it would be easy to miss an item. I needed the ephemera organized into weeks.

I decided to use a pretty three-ring binder (from Target), page sleeves and address labels.
Simple. Easy. As you can see, I have a page sleeve for each week to stuff ephemera into. And in case you are wondering, no, all the ephemera in that basket did
not fit into this 1" binder. I ended up purchasing a big, clunky, 3" binder. I'll go back to using this one once I get caught up.
How do you organize ephemera?
Great idea!
And,beautiful basket!
Love your organizing tip and your basket!
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