Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Backyard Garden: Growing spider webs.

Okay, so we're not actually growing spider webs, but, at this point, we seem to be finding more of them than actual produce in our garden.

It's been over a month since my last garden update. Since then, we've harvested tomatoes, one cucumber (they did not do well for us), and several green peppers. Now that the nights are getting colder, I think our garden is winding down.

The tomatoes are smaller and taking much longer to grow and ripen. We have several still on the plants and I'm hoping they make it.

Our peppers seem to love the cooler weather. They are thriving! I counted over sixteen of them between our three plants.

And one more bunch of bok choy. Photos taken October 8th.

This gardening thing is tougher than I had hoped, but I'm not giving up. I learned some things and hopefully next year will be a little better. This is probably my last garden post for this growing season. I'm sure I'll be back with more in the spring.

Happy harvesting everyone!

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